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Everything You Need

Certification Graphics

High resolution PNG/EPS images of UK AUVA certification logos with and without the UKAS mark.


Certification Logos Guide

once your Company achieves ISO Certification use this helpful guide to maximise the impact of the ISO logos on your stationery, vehicles and marketing material.


Certification Regulations

The UK AUVA Certification Regulations takes you on a journey through the ISO certification processes, from granting, maintaining, renewing and restoring certification. You can be reassured with UK AUVA that there are clear controls in place regarding our ISO Certification Service.


Appeals Procedure

If you wish to appeal a decision regarding a non conformance or other finding on site or certification decision then contact the UK AUVA office by email or phone. We use the appeals procedure to ensure your appeal is managed correctly and you will receive feedback regarding the outcome of the appeals process.


Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint regarding the UK AUVA certification service contact us by email or by phone. We use the complaints procedure to ensure your complaint is listened to and action is taken to resolve the complaint. We will communicate with you regarding actions taken and also to ensure you are satisfied with the outcome.


Impartiality Policy

Impartiality is critically important in providing a professional certification service. Our Impartiality Policy gives you the facts on how we ensure an Impartial Certification Service is delivered to all our customers.


Guide to Certification

Guidance notes and flow chart gives you the essential information to understand the stages of certification from initial audit to recertification.


Proposal Request Form

Complete this easy to follow form and UK AUVA will provide an ISO Certification Proposal.
